Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm

Yew Class – (Year 2)

Summer Term Letter 2024

Welcome back! I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter break. 

In Maths, Year 2 will learn about Fractions, Time, Statistics and Position and Direction. Each Friday, Yew Class will also be looking closely at effectively answering Arithmetic and Reasoning and Problem-Solving Questions to prepare them as much as possible for their upcoming SATS which will take place week commencing 17th June. You may be aware that KS1 SATS are no longer statutory. However, the papers are still sent to school so we will be using them as part of our end of year assessments. 

We will begin English this term learning about the story; ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. From this text, the children will make a prediction, create story maps, take part in role play and rewrite their own version of the story. 

This term in Science, we are learning about Plants. The children will discover the different parts of a plant, understand what needs to be done to keep plants healthy and take part in many practical investigations. 

Our Topic is linked to History again this term where we will be learning about the lives of significant people, beginning with Mary Seacole and Amy Johnson. After half-term, the children will be introduced to the explorers Ibn Battuta and Edmund Hilary.  

This term, PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. However, please make sure your child’s PE kit is always in school as occasionally this may change. This term, we aim to be outside as much as possible for PE lessons – therefore, it is vital that the children have the correct P.E. kit in school and some proper trainers (Velcro fastening, unless they can tie their own shoelaces). For the first half of the term, the focus of our lessons will be Outdoor Education where children will take part in active lessons involving map reading, trials and orienteering. After the half term break, we will be practising our Athletics skills in preparation for Sports Day!  

Mrs Hall will continue to support learning in Yew Class this Term. Likewise, Mrs Livesey will continue to teach Spelling, PE and RE every Wednesday whilst I have my planning and assessment time.  

We actively encourage you to read, write and craft work at home with your children. This work can be completed in your child’s home learning book. The more opportunities our children have to improve their skills is invaluable and your support can have the greatest impact on your child’s overall achievement. Things to work on:  

– Timetables 2, 5 & 10s. For a challenge 3 & 4s. Use Maths Shed and TT Rock Stars to help you with this. Please also check Ed Shed each week for your Spelling/Maths Assignments. Your child’s log ins are stuck in the front of their home learning books.
– Writing extended pieces like a story, diary or a report.
– Reading your school books daily and reading for pleasure – a range of books and comics. Book bags/reading books should be brought to school every day. We will continue to change books each Wednesday. 

If you have any queries or concerns, as always, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or Class Dojo. 

Spring Term Letter 2024

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. The children have returned to school with smiles on their faces which is lovely to see! Let’s all prepare to work hard and enjoy the exciting opportunities in the term ahead.

In Maths, Year 2 will learn about money as well as how to measure length, height, mass, capacity and temperature. By the end of term, Year 2 will be Multiplication Masters and Division Divas, focusing mainly on their 2, 5 and 10 times-tables.

To begin our English lessons this term, we will read; ‘Elvis the Squirrel’ by Tony Bradman. Alongside completing various writing activities linked to this book, Year 2 will also begin to understand how to answer VIPERs questions as part of our reading comprehension work.

This term in Science, we are learning about the Uses of Everyday Materials. The children will identify and name a variety of materials and their properties, before investigating further to compare their suitability and how the shapes of some materials can be changed.

Our Topic this half term is linked to Geography! We will be learning all about ‘Our Planet’. In our topic lessons we will be talking about the different continents, oceans and also looking at the United Kingdom in more depth. After half term, we will compare and contrast with another country, focusing on the different foods and customs between the two.

In Computing, we will be learning how to make music and in Art, we will be focussing on Space Art using Collage, inspired by Peter Thorpe.

This term, PE will be on Wednesday and Thursdays. However, please make sure your child’s PE kit is in school at all times as occasionally this may change. For the first half of the term, the focus of our lessons will be Gymnastics. After the half term break, we will practising different skills associated with simple games. Please make sure your child has the correct P.E. kit in school and some proper trainers for wearing outdoors (Velcro fastening, unless they can tie their own shoelaces).

Throughout the week, Yew Class continues to be supported by Mrs Hall (Monday/Wednesday all day and Tuesday/Thursday mornings). Mrs Livesey will also provide cover on Wednesdays, before and after lunch, whilst I have my planning and assessment time. This term, she will be teaching English (Spelling Shed), RE and PE. Please encourage and support your child to access EdShed so that they can complete their weekly Spelling/Maths assignments. Login details can be found in the front of their yellow reading record.

We continue to encourage reading at home. It would be wonderful for the children to read with an adult as often as possible – ideally daily. Every book should be read more than once to help improve fluency. Please fill in and sign your child’s reading records whenever they have read. We look forward to seeing everyone is getting on with their reading books. Reading books should be brought to school every day and books will be changed on Wednesdays. We are always on the lookout for parent volunteers to assist with reading and lessons, so please let me know if you can come in and help at any point.

As always, If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email ( or Class Dojo.

Kind Regards,

Miss Wilson and Mrs Hall.