Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm

Beech Class 

Summer Term Letter 2024

The spring term finished with a fabulous class assembly. Well done to the class for performing it so brilliantly.

This term, Year 5 will be covering a variety of main topics, including:

Science – ‘Space’ and ‘Forces’

Geography – ‘Natural Disasters’ and ‘Sustainability’

Music –  ‘Solar System’ and ‘At the Movies’

Art – Sewing

P.E.  – This will continue with Mr. Moorhead on a Tuesday, with the class trying to improve their skills in tennis and athletics. The time of the second P.E. session will float and be held either on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (dependent upon weather forecasts) and will focus on rounders and tag rugby. Your child MUST have their P.E. kit in school every day.  The swimming sessions have been completed.

If you want a more in depth look at what we will be covering this term, then please have a look at our ‘Curriculum wall’.

Outdoor Day (linked to the science topic: Materials and their Properties.)Friday 21st June – children should wear appropriate clothing and footwear for walking through woodland.

Fell Foot Day (Lake Windermere) – water sport activities. Thursday 16th May.

If a child has their own wetsuit, they are recommended to use it.

Sports day – Thursday June 27th

Home Learning consists of daily reading aloud to an adult and weekly spellings (please practise these on the Spelling Shed website). TT Rock Stars is still available to help secure times table knowledge.

As always, if you have any enquires, thoughts or resources that may be helpful, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

 S. Cayley

Spring Term Letter 2024

Well done to the pupils of Year 5 for completing a successful autumn term. I was impressed with their attitudes to work, behaviour and politeness around the classroom. However; we still need to work on them being able to tidy up after themselves!

This term, Year 5 will be covering two main science themes: a topic about how the human body alters throughout all stages of life and also a topic about animal life cycles. During the first topic, we will be learning about how their bodies will change during puberty. Scientific vocabulary for body parts will be used.

Our history topic is all about The Kingdom of Benin and links with our art topic: African art. Throughout the term we will be reading ‘The Children of the Benin Kingdom’ which will assist in our learning.

Swimming starts again this Thursday (11th January) and will run for another ten weeks, so please make sure that a towel and costume are brought in on the appropriate day (a hairbrush could also be brought in for those children who wish to look smart). Waterproof coats are required to protect the children from undesirable weather on their trip to and from the swimming pool.

During the second P.E. session (Tuesday afternoons), Year 5 will be improving their gymnastic techniques; then after half-term they will be playing hockey. It would be advisable for your child to wear a gum shield for the hockey lessons in order to protect their teeth. School cannot provide gum shields. Every child should have a P.E. kit in school at all times in case an extra PE session is available.

If you want a more in depth look at what we will be covering this term, then please have a look at our ‘Curriculum wall’ on the school website.

Homework consists of daily reading aloud to an adult and weekly spellings (please practise these on the Spelling Shed website). TT Rock Stars is still available to help secure times table knowledge.

As always, if you have any enquires, thoughts or resources that may be helpful, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

S. Cayley