Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm

Welcome to Elder 2 – Reception

The children in Reception are offered a ‘hands on’ play based curriculum, both indoors and outdoors, throughout the day.

In addition to the activities planned by the adults, the children are offered plenty of opportunities to direct their own learning and staff are highly skilled in observing the children and recognising opportunities to support and extend children’s ideas.


Summer Term Letter 2024

We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome both parents and children back. We hope you all had a fun and restful break over Easter and you are all ready for a busy summer term! (Please see our diary dates at the bottom of the page.)

This half term our topic is ‘Growth and Change’. Attached is a copy of our Topic Web for Summer 1 which will give you an overview of all of the activities and learning that will be taking place in Reception this half term. We will begin by looking at the books, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will learn all about life cycles and growing plants. The second part of the half term will focus on the books; ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ and ‘Mr Gumpy’s Rhino.’ We hope to arrange our own ‘outing’ so we will update you as soon as possible with any plans.

If you have not done so already, please could everybody return PE kits to school asap as our PE lessons are on a Friday and children need to be wearing appropriate clothing. Please could all children also have a pair of outdoor shoes/ trainers for our PE lessons as we are learning ball skills and team games outside. Please help your child develop independence at home by dressing themselves and fastening shoes, as this is taking up a lot of our PE time.

Home learning challenges were sent out before Easter for this half term so please try and work through some activities with your children at home to support the work that they are doing in school.

We look forward to working with you all for the last term in Reception. As always if you have any queries or concerns, please speak to a member of the Early Years Team.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Jones, Mrs Thompson and Miss Brewer

Diary Dates:

10th May 24 – Reading for Pleasure Morning with Parents (9 – 9.30am)

22nd May 24 – PE Takeover Day

5th June 24 – EYFS Open Afternoon (new starters)

26th June 24 at 10am – EYFS Sports Day

3rd July 24 at 6pm – Intake Meeting for new starters

10th July 24 (9 – 10.30am) – EYFS Outdoor Stay and Play

Spring Term Letter 2024

We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome both parents and children back. We hope you all had a fun and restful break over Christmas and you are all ready for a busy spring term! (Please see our diary dates at the bottom of the page.)

This half term our topic is ‘Winter Woodland’. Attached is a copy of our Topic Web for Spring 1. We will focus on three main stories written by Julia Donaldson; The Christmas Pine, Stickman and The Gruffalo’s Child. We will look at woodland habitats and go on a walk around our local area exploring the different woodlands and creating natural art with sticks. We will also explore countries within the UK in our Travelling Tuesday sessions. Who will get Travelling Ted this half term and where will he travel to? We will explore Chinese New Year in the last week of our half term and after February half term our topic will change to ‘Superheroes’ and ‘Easter’, where we will focus on people who help us and the story ‘Supertato’.

In maths we will be learning about number bonds and comparing groups up to 10. We will continue to use subitising as a central focus in our maths lessons and look at addition and subtraction. We will also be recapping our 2D/3D shape knowledge.

Please could everybody return PE kits to school asap as our PE lessons are on a Friday and we will be using the apparatus, therefore, children need to be wearing appropriate clothing (white t-shirt and black/blue shorts). Also, home learning challenges have been sent out for this half term so please try and work through some activities with your children at home, as well as accessing MathShed.

We are very busy in Reception and all of the children are working very hard and making great progress. Therefore, we would really benefit from an extra pair of hands one morning every week. Please could you let us know if you would be willing and able to come and help / listen to readers in our class any morning (except Wednesday) 10am – 11am.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Jones, Mrs Thompson and Miss Brewer

We will keep you updated with current learning through our Facebook page, school website and Learning Journeys. Please remember to look at your child’s learning journey regularly and contribute to it as much as possible. It is a great way for parents to be involved in their child’s learning and keep up to date with what’s happening.

 (Please see our Facebook page for regular updates and information about our learning.

Sedbergh Primary School -EYFS)