Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm



The intention of PSHE at Sedbergh Primary School is for children to receive an education that is age appropriate, accessible to all and maximises the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more.  We want our children to develop and deepen their personal, social, health and emotional knowledge and awareness in ways that expand on previous learning as they progress through school.  We want the PSHE education of our children to dovetail with real life wherever possible, from local to global contexts.  Teachers will follow an age-appropriate and progressive PSHE curriculum, where children learn to understand ‘risk’, with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.  There will be an over-arching focus on learning about rights and responsibilities as members of a diverse society.  Children will be encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community and to develop positive attitudes within themselves.

We believe that the purpose of PSHE education is to build on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum and guidance, to cover areas such as: use of drugs, competency with finances, citizenship, personal safety, sex and relationships education, the rights of the child, caring for the environment, British Values and the importance of physical activity and eating for a healthy lifestyle, to mention but a few.

Pupils will learn about the society in which they are growing up.  Learning is designed to develop and foster respect for others and for ‘differences’ of all kinds, to challenge unfairness and learn about what different types of ‘healthy’ relationships look like. We want them to move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.


We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and it is therefore timetabled weekly to ensure that quality time is dedicated to it. There are always occasions where teachers may feel it necessary to teach PSHE because of an issue that has arisen in their own class. Many objectives from the curriculum will feature as an important part of school assemblies, where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured. The distribution of the lessons complements key campaigns throughout the year, such as National Anti-bullying Week and E-safety Week, as well as local initiatives, such as tree planting in the community.

At Sedbergh Primary we follow the SCARF PSHE programme, which is a whole school approach that provides a scheme of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to, and including, Year 6.  SCARF standing for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship and is mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study.  It is centred on a values based, ‘Growth Mindset’ approach and is divided into six half-termly units.  The units are tailored to each year group under the following themes:

  • Being my Best
  • Me and my Relationships
  • Keeping Myself Safe
  • Valuing Difference
  • Growing and Changing
  • Rights and Responsibilities

The units are delivered through a spiral curriculum, being explored in greater depth and appropriately differentiated within each age group.

There is now a proven link between pupils’ health and wellbeing, and their academic progress. Crucial skills and positive attitudes developed through comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) are critical to ensuring children are effective learners and SCARF provides a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations – crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially.

Every teacher has access to SCARF online resources.  Children have the opportunity to attend the Life Education Bus to motivate and enhance their learning and enjoyment of PSHE.


  • Children will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty.
  • Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in-line with national and behaviour will be good.
  • Participation in extra-curricular activity both in school and beyond is encouraged and celebrated.
  • Pupil Voice Surveys are used to assess knowledge of how to stay safe and emotionally confident within the school.
  • Children will become healthy and responsible members of society.
  • Levels of volunteering both within the school through school council, gardening club, wildlife club and within the community through supporting the local foodbank, shoebox charity, tree planting and others initiatives.
  • Children will achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum.
  • Children will be well prepared for their journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.





