Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm

Welcome to Elder 1 – Nursery

In our EYFS we aim to provide a challenging and stimulating environment with an engaging curriculum designed to enable all children to reach their potential.

Below you will find all the information needed about our fabulous nursery. Throughout the year Class Dojo will be updated with news and pictures to show you the fun we have in our nursery class.

Our Nursery offers both 15 and 30 hours provision. This is free for parents who are eligible – check to find out if you may be eligible. If you aren’t, we can still offer 30 hours at a cost. Please speak to Mrs Scarr in the office or any member of the EYFS team if you want more information about Nursery provision.

Spring Term 2024 Letter 

We are all settling back into our Nursery routines and have welcomed four new children this term.

If your child is new to Nursery, “Welcome!”  We hope you and your child will enjoy your time with us. Please talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Curriculum Information

This term our themes are ‘Winter Woodland’ for the first half term and ‘Superheroes’ and ‘Easter’ for the second half term.

As part of our Winter Woodland topic, we will explore the woods and create natural art with sticks and leaves.

As part of our Superheroes topic, we will be thinking about people who help us.

We will also be exploring signs of winter at the start of the term, signs of spring towards the end of term and continuing to plan around the children’s interests and experiences.

In Literacy we will focus on listening to stories, talking about stories and characters and settings. Our stories will include:-

First half term – The Christmas Pine, Stick Man and The Gruffalo’s Child (all by Julia Donaldson) and other stories set in the woods.

Second half term – Supertato and the Easter story.

We will also provide different opportunities for mark making in our topics.

This term we will be continuing with the seven aspects of Phase 1 phonics, in which we explore different types of sounds, rhythm, rhyme and alliteration. A few children will be working on Phase 2 phonics.

In Maths we will continue with all aspects of counting and problem solving with numbers, with a focus on the numbers 3, 4 and 5. We will explore three and four-sided 2D shapes and sort 3D shapes. During the second half term we will exploring Measures (height, length, mass and capacity.)

Please keep an eye on our Dojo stories to find out more about what we are doing each week.

Winter Weather

As the weather has been very wet and is getting colder, please could you ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. Please make sure all coats, hats, scarves and gloves are named and help your child to practise putting them on and taking them off.

Class Dojo

We will be sending our new families an invitation to join Class Dojo. This will enable parents to read messages, see class stories of activities we do and to see your own child’s individual profile.

Emergency Contact Details

If any of your contact numbers have changed please tell Mrs Scarr in the office.

Thank you

Mrs Tholen and Mrs White