Telephone: 015396 20510
E-mail: Website Enquiry
Headteacher: Victoria Hudson
SENDCo: Betty Stephenson
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:50am - 3:30pm


At Sedbergh Primary School we have a committed and hardworking Parent, Teacher and Friends Association. The PTFA dedicate their time to both organise and support exciting events in and around school, and to raise funds to buy those extra resources that bring learning to life in school!

Use the links below to find out more…
Sedbergh Primary School PTFA on Facebook
A brief booklet that helps parents understand a little bit more about the work of the PTFA at Sedbergh Primary School.


If you use the link below to log on you go direct to Sedbergh Primary P.T.F.A. Easyfundraising page.  Every time you log on to easyfundraising, before getting directed to your usual shopping sites, the P.T.F.A. gets a donation and it doesn’t cost you a penny! You can use it for many of the major stores, booking train tickets etc. so give it a go it’s that simple.



The school and PTFA have signed up to TerraCycle that earns us money by recycling items that can not be put in regular recycling bins.


Writing Instruments Recycling Programme – this programme recycles ANY brand of pen, felt tip, highlighter, marker, correction fluid pot, correction tape, mechanical pencil and eraser pen, but not wooden pencils or chalk. Click here to see examples of what can be recycled (PDF).

Just bring the items to be recycled to school and we’ll do the rest.

Empties Please

This programme recycles 100’s of different types of ink and toner cartridges. By returning these cartridges the school can earn money and help the environment. Clink on the links provided to see if your cartridges are on the list, if so send them to school for us to recycle.
Ink Cartridges (PDF)
Toner Cartridges (PDF)




